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Publikationen des LISTLIT Projekts

Eva von Contzen:

  • “Experience, Affect, and Literary Lists.” Partial Answers 16.2 (2018): 315-27.
  • “Die Affordanzen der Liste.” [‘The Affordances of the List’] Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 3 (2017): 317-26. 
  •  “Listen im Transferprozess: Zur englischen und deutschen Rabelais-Übersetzung.” [‘Lists in Transition: On the English and German Translation of Rabelais’] Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 58 (2017): 193-220.
  •  “Grenzfälle des Erzählens: Die Liste als einfache Form.” [‘On the Margins of Narrative: The List as Simple Form’]  Komplexität und Einfachheit. Villa Vigoni-Symposion 2015. Ed. Albrecht Koschorke. Stuttgart 2017. 221-39.
  • Special issue in Style 50.3 (2016) on “Lists in Literature from the Middle Ages to Postmodernism” (guest editor)
  • “The Limits of Narration: Lists and Literary History.” Style 50.3 (2016): 241-60.



Anne Rüggemeier:

  • "The List as a means of Assessment and Standardization and Its Critical Remediation in Graphic Narratives About Illness and Care." Closure 5 (2018): 55-82.
  • "Lists in Life Writing: The List as a Means to Visualize the Trace of the Absent. a/b: Auto/Biography Studies Vol.34.2 (2019).
  • Interview on lists, illness narratives and graphic illness narratives:
  • (2020): Transformative list-making: challenging heteronormativity and ableism in Ellen Forney's somatographies, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2020.1757478